Monday, 23 June 2008

I can go the distance... Part 2

Right, where was I?

Oh yeah, we arrived at Vista Way and got taken into this room where we were shown a typically cheesy Disney video about being a cast member (gotta love it) and then given a pack with loads of bits of paper in it, maps and bus times and stuff like that (very useful). Then we were given a little paper bag with some food in it (orange juice, cereal bars, an orange and some skittles) which was really nice of them because it was about 6.30pm by this point (i.e. 11.30pm) so we were all a bit hungry as well as being tired!

As soon as I got my pack I found out I was living in Vista Way in apartment 3302 which according to my map was opposite the pavilion we were sitting in - score! And on the ground floor so no lugging the luggage (haha, lugging the luggage...) up the stairs which was good and much appreciated when I was hot and tired! I made my way into the apartment and instantly found out what it was like to go into the Big Brother house because 2 of my flatmates were there. There are 6 people in my flat in total including me... I met a Mexican girl called Shiela (I think...) and a girl from Barbados called Kelly who I am sharing a room with. This morning I met 2 more of my housemates, I think they were at work last night - they are both from Barbados is called Sarah and I can't remember the other one right now (even tho she is about a meter away from me doing some washing up!)

So, I did some unpacking and then there were some rough plans for me and a couple of others from the flight to meet up at Walgreens which isn't very far away... but I got a bit lost and inadvertantly ran into some other people and so ended up going with them and missing Rob and Beth (the original people I was going to meet!). It didn't really matter tho, I only bought some water and then me and Vicky (one of three Victorias I have met in the last 24 hours!) went over to Wendy's. Wendy's is alright, if you are reeeeally hungry and there is no alternative! It's a bit mankier than McDonalds to be honest... I had chicken nuggets and chips but it wasn't too bad. Although eating it at the equivalent of 3am was a bit wierd.. I didn't know if I was hungry or not!

So, eventually we went back to our apartments and I had the most refreshing shower ever! Then, after getting online to check my emails and Facebook and such, I decided to go to bed. Kelly didn't seem to sleep in my room last night which was a bit wierd.... when I was getting to bed she was on the phone and then through my hazy, half asleep mind I think she came in and took her bedclothes away, maybe she slept in the other room or on the sofa!? I don't know... but I heard her come in this morning and get changed into her costume. Her and the Mexican both do housekeeping in one of the resorts so they leave at like 7am!

Ok so I am rambling, sorry if you're bored and well done for getting this far! It's just that this blog doubles up as a diary for me to keep after I have finished the program so I want to be as descriptive as possible!

I had a bit of a crappy nights sleep because the air con wasn't very cold so I was a bit hot and I had no pillow so was using my towel instead which really wasn't that comfortable...rather like being in prison I would imagine. I kinda napped all night rather than slept and now my neck is hurting a little bit! Anyway, this morning I got up and wrote the previous post... I went out to see where the music was and joined the queue to get my housing documents checked. It was very well organised, you had to get your passport checked and hand in the DS2019 which they photocopy and then hopefully give back to me later! Then you followed a process which led round the room, handing in and recieving various documents. I got my ID card which has a horrible picture of me on it! (I will take photos and put them up soon I promise!) and then once we did that we had 2 1/2 hours free before we go to The Commons (near the other housing complex) this afternoon for more talks and stuff. So, me and some of the other girls got our swimming costumes on and went to the pool!!

It was really nice and sooo refreshing. It was only 10.30am but it was already hot. Anyway, we stayed there for a hour or so and now I am here writing this. I am off again soon to the pavilion to get the bus to The Commons and then we are heading to WalMart where I have a stupidly long list of random stuff to buy including a toaster (I can't live without toast for 10 weeks and there is no way of cooking it unless you fry it here and seen as I don't want to return looking like Michelle McManus, I have decided to be more healthy than that!) and make up remover!

So, hope you have enjoyed reading this mammoth post!


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