Thanks to everyone who has hit my site! I have a counter thingy so I can keep track! I will post on here from time to time to keep it alive in the build up to my leaving date! Since texting/phoning/emailing practically everyone I know to tell them about my acception to the ICP all I have been doing is sitting in the godforsaken editing suite with no windows or sitting here worrying about the unwritten essay! Lucky for me, the project I'm editing is practically finished and I have a whole 2 days and 2 nights to write the essay - look on the bright side, at least I didn't try to rush it to have it in before the Easter weekend!
Once everything is handed in, Lauren is coming down to Bournemouth for a couple of days which will be great fun and then it's back to Clarks for the spring break! I am going to try and book my visa appointment thing as soon as I get all the details plus book my flight before it gets too expensive!
I hope everyone had a magical Easter!
Cat x
Monday, 24 March 2008
Whistle while we work...
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
When you wish upon another star...
Hi everyone! I can finally say that as my blog has now gone global (so to speak!) Apologies if there are spelling or grammar mistakes in this post... I am verrry tired as it has been an emotional and busy day, I've done 10 hours in Uni and only just got home from being in the edit suite since 8pm :)
So, what happened in the last few days then? Well, lots of waiting, agonising and more waiting really. Wondering when the heck Yummy Jobs would contact me...I eventually gave in and emailed them yesterday because I had spent all day convinced I would hear (seen as the May 25th and June 3rd people heard on Monday). Hannah emailed me back saying that "I would hear this week" and that "they were waiting to find out the details from Disney". So I presumed it would probably be on Thurs or Fri.
Weirdly, I always had this little premonition it would be a Wednesday I found out but there we go. So, I left the house at 1.30pm to go into Uni as I was filming some stuff with the Nerve TV people (student TV station) at 3pm and I spent a good hour rushing around, trying to blag some kit... tripod and microphone to be exact.... type up an autocue on powerpoint and generally get things done. Went into W111 (demonstration room) to sort myself out and finish up the powerpoint.... I checked my phone as I went into the room to see no phone calls from Yummy. So then I thought I would just check my emails and there it was... the email from Hannah with the title "Walt Disney World". AHHHH!!
So, I opened the email and all I could see on the page was this:
We hope you enjoyed the recent interviews and would like to thank you once again for coming. On behalf of the Walt Disney World Representatives and all here at Yummy Jobs we would like to say how great it was to meet you.
So of course, at this point I thought the email was going to say "Unfortunately, due to the exceeding number of applicants this year... blah blah..." so tentatively I scrolled down the page. Literally was not even breathing... to see...
I have been given the enjoyable task of being the first to say…..
Disney World would like to offer you a Role in Merchandise on the International College Program starting June 22nd!
We will be calling you to go over the specifics of your role with Disney within the next 2-3 weeks. In the mean time, please do confirm if you are interested in accepting this position and to work at the “ Happiest Place on Earth”!
Please confirm your acceptance by Tuesday, March 25th!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do feel free to ask.
Congratulations Once Again and Have a Magical Day,
Yummy Jobs
I was shaking!! I couldn't believe (and still can't... it really hasn't sunk in yet!) that I have actually been offered the job and will be 'making magic' for 9 whole weeks this summer. Now I just will be counting down to the fly out date! WOOHOO!
Please leave me comments! I will be posting now and again with any updates or when I'm bored probably! I can now officially say, I hope you enjoy this Disney Diary!
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do....
*breathe, breathe*
Monday, 17 March 2008
A great, big, beautiful tomorrow?
Following the email last Thursday I have been constantly watching my phone and email to no avail. And today was the same. Except that when I logged onto one of the (EVIL) Macs to start my editing I checked my Hotmail and had an email from Facebook telling me that Izabela (from the interviews... remember?) had posted on my wall. To tell me that she had got in! She had got the email from Yummy!
1. I thought that they were going to phone us!
2. She was applying for the May 25th start date.
3. She got Quick Service F+B
So I frantically went onto WDWIP forums to see if anyone else had been accepted. There were a few posts but all seemed to be from people going on May 25th and June 3rd...no-one from June 22nd as yet. So that calmed me slightly until I realised that they will obviously start letting the June 22nd people know tomorrow! I can't remember if I posted this in the last blog post but I am not only worried about whether I got through the interview, but also worried about if I even have a place seen as so many people want to fly out on the 22nd. I would be so gutted if I didn't get in just because of the date. I couldn't find any posts from people who had not been accepted although of course this might just be because they didn't want to post. Understandably.
To be honest, I just want to find out now whether I have got the job or not. But I haven't wanted something more than this for a very long time (probably since I wanted to go to BGS)...I keep feeling like I have tempted fate one too many times by making this blog, joining Facebook groups and talking to people about it. This might just be a factor of the waiting... I am starting to think Disney might enjoy making people wait!!
Cat x
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Still waiting...
I know I said the next time I would blog would be when I know if I have the job or not but I had to write about the latest development in the whole process!
Today I got an email from Hannah at Yummy Jobs. Practically had a heart attack until I saw the title of the email "Your earliest availability for the WDWIP". So I kind of knew it wouldn't be telling me if I had the job or not. This was the email:
Good afternoon!
Thank you for taking the time to interview recently for this year’s International College Summer Work Program at Walt Disney World™. As informed on the day, we will be in touch soon with the outcome of your interview.
At this stage Disney is currently collating the final details and we are aware that a large number of people have requested June 22nd as their start date for the program. Due to the numbers of places for each start date being limited we are currently looking for volunteers who are able to start on June 3rd or even May 25th instead, but perhaps put on their application form that they preferred the June 22nd date.
As Roger stated at the presentation, if you are able to give your earliest availability it will give you the best possible chance of being offered a role within the company.
Please could you confirm by 12noon tomorrow, (Friday 14th March), your earliest availability for the program if either the Jun 3rd-Aug 15th or May 25th-Aug 8th dates would be possible for you?
Many thanks and kindest regards,
Hannah London
The really annoying thing is that I would love to fly out earlier than the 22nd June but I can't seen as I wrote on all my forms that I don't finish Uni til the 12th June and really I can't leave any earlier than that because it means it starts interfering with everything going on in Uni. But as I wrote in one of my earlier posts - if one stupid thing such as a date stops me spending the summer at Disney then I will be more than upset!!!
I actually emailed her back saying that I couldn't make the earlier dates but that I would still love to go on the 22nd and I hoped that not being able to fly out earlier wouldn't jeopardise my chances of spending the summer at Disney. I figured it would be better to reply and show my enthusiasm even if it wasn't really telling her anything new... oh, and I dropped a line in at the end asking if we would find out the results of the interview after the weekend. It seems likely, judging on the above email, that I won't be finding out til Monday at the earliest and I don't want to think about a WHOLE weekend of not knowing.
Oh well, it's not like I don't have an essay (haven't started it yet... oops...), a massive editing project, my individual project and an all-night SJA duty to think about at the weekend. :S
Cat x
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
How annoying! I have just written a fat post and it popped up with the ever-annoying "Page Cannot Be Displayed" message and deleted all my penmanship!!
Ok, so basically I was saying about how I hate all this waiting! The last two weeks have not been too bad, I have been keeping busy and stuff. However, yesterday morning I realised that all the ICP interviews were done and dusted, and that Roger and Heather had probably flown back to the USA and were making their decisions about who to offer a job. So yesterday and today I have been sooo nervous... everytime the phone rings it makes me jump. We were told it would be 2-3 weeks until we knew, and today was the 2 weeks mark so I am hoping that anytime this week we will know! I can't go through a whole weekend not knowing!
I have had my phone on vibrate in my pocket for the last two days instead of in my bag, so that I won't miss any calls. It rang at 11am this morning whilst I was paying for a very yummy and very unhealthy mixed berry and white chocolate muffin...I almost had a heart attack. I put all my stuff down to look at my phone and realise it was only my housemate Ben. Argh!
It's just gone 5pm now so that's another day of waiting done... Yummy only work 9-5 so they will ring within that time. I just have to wake up tomorrow and start another whole day of the waiting game! I guess the next time I will write on this blog (providing I don't have to write this post AGAIN!) will be when I know if I have the job or not! Ahhh!!
Cat x
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
8 days and counting...
Well, it's been over a week since my interview and we're now into March. I am surprised to see how fast the time has gone actually, I thought it would really drag! I have been keeping busy with various projects on my course both curricular and extra curricular (the most tiring being filming the launch of the student radio station...being in Uni at 6.30am was not exactly fun!) and already I am almost half way through the maximum waiting period.
I suddenly realised yesterday that the last interviews are on the 7th March (that I can tell anyway) and that's only 2 days time... so I could be hearing the outcome of my interview any time after that! I'm off home to Bristol at the weekend so by the time I come back to Bournemouth it will be the 10th March... time really is flying by!!
Cat x